Thursday, May 5, 2011

Facebook Photo Facilitates Firing

Despite the best efforts of faculty, career centers, news media, parents and peers to educate college students about the ramifications of internet postings and images, students still seem to be surprised to learn that there are real life repercussions to their social networking behavior. Specifically, when your boss sees the drunken, inappropriate, embarrassing, photo of you that your friend uploaded to his facebook page, don't be surprised if you are asked to clean out your desk and are escorted out of the building by security. And those images may show up in internet searches for decades - affecting all your future job searches as well. There is an international legal debate going on over the "right to be forgotten."  Can search engine companies be ordered to prevent access to older posts in order to allow records of youthful indiscretion to fade?  I think that is a difficult argument to win.

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