Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is Seeing Still Believing?

Technological advances have paved the way for video cameras to be everywhere. The public has become accustomed to seeing video evidence of nearly everything that happens. This week, a camera on the helmet of a motorcycle rider captured tragic events when a motorcyclist appeared to intentionally cut off an SUV on a New York highway.  The frightened SUV driver pulled away in traffic tragically injuring one of the other motorcycle riders.  The SUV was chased into the streets of New York where the driver was pulled from the vehicle and beaten.  Much of it was captured on video. Now, with criminal charges pending, at least one defendant claims that what we see in the video is not actually what happened.

Citizens have been arrested for making cell phone videos of police officers publicly engaged in the course of their duties.  The concern? The videos can be altered or edited to portray something other than what actually happened.

Professors in classrooms have been the victim of edited videotapes portraying their classroom lectures as something that they are not.

The videos below seem to be evidence of amazing feats. Yet, they are only illusions. If these illusions can be created by just about any bright techie, then the value of video evidence must be scrupulously scrutinized in court. Even proof of chain of custody is not going to be enough if anyone in that chain possessed the ability to make alterations.  When it comes to compelling evidence, technology giveth and technology taketh away.

Tumba Ping Pong Show video:

Here is the story de-bunking the authenticity of the above video.

Other amazing edited videos from the Tumba Ping Pong Show:

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