Thursday, October 3, 2013

Which Law Do You Prefer, Obamacare or The Affordable Care Act?

In a recent post, I suggested that the media's portrayal of law is perhaps more important to the fostering or hindering of legal legitimacy than the law itself. I also re-iterated the AACSB requirement that students understand:
Here is an exercise in understanding political, legal  and social contexts.  The staff of the Jimmy Kimmel show interviewed people on the street asking them about their support for "Obamacare" versus "The Affordable Care Act."  Of course, they are the same law. But removing the "Obamacare" label, makes the law more palatable.  Although not a scientific study, this exercise supports the notion that the way the law is presented in society, whether through the media or the political system or both, affects the public's perception of the law. 

Consider the answer to the question: "Do you believe that Obamacare will lead to gun prohibition?"

Click on the image below to see the video from a different source:

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